Coffee with Pastor Dave


OUR Worship services BEGIN AT 10:30 a.m. EVERY SUNDAY

Dec. 10, 2020


The “Consolation of Eve” – Genesis 3…

       “All the hopes of the ages are there in Mary’s womb.”

        “The final word is not condemnation – the final word is Jesus Christ.”

        “This baby that we celebrate – all the lights, the Santas and all that stuff wouldn’t be here except for this One that we celebrate.   Let’s not forget in the midst of this pandemic that none of us asked for, none of us are happy with and where everything seems hard, Christ is come… the Hope of the Ages.  We don’t look forward, we look back, and we get to experience a little bit the Person of the Holy Spirit – this life that this One is.  He was born.  He grew up to be a man who ministered… He did many miracles, preached the Kingdom of God which was an upside-down Kingdom where enemies are loved, where it is the humble who inherit the earth, where it is the merciful who receive mercy, and where the broken receive life and hope and blessing.  This is the Kingdom of God that this One introduces, and at the cross where he died, He crushed the evil one… He crushed the adversary.  We celebrate this One who we look forward to coming again – His ways, His truth and His life.  Mary and Eve in this picture are a great reminder of the quietness, the out-of-the-wayness, of the humbleness, of the cosmicness  of this victory that God has won in Jesus Christ over the powers and principalities of this dark age.  Rejoice in that One.  Rejoice that He has come.  Rejoice that we have hope, that we have peace, that we have joy and that we are loved, and we can love in return because of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”